Creature Loots
Loots from creatures. For details about loot frequency, check the Loot Frequency Ranks chart.
Warning: Some loots may be false and there is no way to prove actual loots. Many items drop very very seldom and there is no guarantee that you will get the item no matter how long you hunt for it. Items with no or old VU in the "Last VU" column are very unlikely to drop. Showing 3636 of 56 items.
CreatureTypeItemFrequencyMaturityLast VU
Thorifoid ShamanWeaponCryogenic Attack Nanochip 5 (L)UncommonInept18.10.3
Ambulimax (Calypso)WeaponKatsuichi Resolve Retro (L)UncommonYoung
Foul (Calypso)WeaponCryogenic Attack Nanochip 3 (L)RareYoung
Spider BomberWeaponCastorian Pioneer EnBlade-3 (L)CommonGen 01
Ambulimax (Calypso)WeaponIsis Project Zero-Four (L)RareYoung
DrokaWeaponMarCorp Kallous-5 (L)UncommonGen 01
Ambulimax (Calypso)Weapon AttachmentOmegaton A101Extremely rareMature
Big BulkWeaponIsis LC-55 (L)UncommonGen 01
Thorifoid BerserkerWeaponCombustive Attack Nanochip 3 (L)UncommonInept
CultistWeaponModec VXT 300 (L)UncommonFanatic
 Smuggler MechWeaponPiron PBR-47 (L)UncommonMK1
CultistWeaponCryogenic Attack Nanochip 4 (L)UncommonProselyte of Shut'thend
CultistWeapon Modec VXT 700 (L)UncommonCohort
GokibusagiWeaponIsis Project Zero-Five (L)RareOld Alpha
Big BulkWeaponJashonich SIF-A (L)UncommonGen 02
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