Creature Maturity Levels
ChartItemTypeOld ValueNew ValueTimeUserMarkUndoComments
Creature Maturity Levels Araneatrox Young Elite Confirmed Damage 24-10-2018 18:18:06 Hijacker27 (talk) 42.1 crit reduction - 70.7 with 20% buff
Creature Maturity Levels Araneatrox Young Elite Dfrom 0 Great 24-10-2018 18:17:58 Hijacker27 (talk) 42.1 crit reduction - 70.7 with 20% buff
Creature Maturity Levels Araneatrox Young Elite Damage 143 24-10-2018 18:17:58 Hijacker27 (talk) 42.1 crit reduction - 70.7 with 20% buff
Creature Maturity Levels Araneatrox Young Elite (Created) 24-10-2018 12:26:53 Xpl0jd (talk) Found by Xpl0jd
Attributes of the creatures and Damage vs. Armor calculations. When adding an armor, you will see the average damage and decay by default, based on a 50% to 100% damage interval with a random distriburion. You can change this to Max damage, Min damage and Critical hit in the dropdown menu. Armor decay is explained on the Armor Decay page. Showing 1 of 56 items.
Attacks/minCreatureMaturityHealthRegen. SpeedDamageDanger LevelHP/LvlThreatTaming Level
 AraneatroxYoung Elite3200 1436152.545760 
     HPHP/sHP   Level

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