Mission: Fertile Waters
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Planet:Planet Calypso
Mission Chain:Nus Lull
Objective:Retrieve a bag from the storage area in Nus Lull.
Reward:Courage (eq. 0.01 PED implant)
Mission Broker
Mission Broker:Professor Hamill
Nearest City:Nus Lull
Added:Planet Calypso 2013.1
Mission Locations


Professor Hamill wants you to go to the main structure in Nus Lull and retrieve a bag from the storage area out front.

You are then to follow the river north where you will try to find the cargo boat and bring back some of the fertilizer for the Professor.


  • Retrieve a bag from the storage area in Nus Lull.
  • Locate the missing boat.
  • Recover the fertilizer.
  • Return to Professor Hamill.



Professor Hamill (63002, 76550 Nus Lull)

Hey, did Broska send you? Never mind. We have some important work to do here that will benefit the entire planet. There are a few things that need to be done and I have no time left for smaller tasks. Care to help us out a bit?


  • Sure, I can help.
  • Sorry, I'm busy as well.

If you choose 'Sure, I can help':

Great. We were supposed to receive a shipment of fertilizer from Orthos today, but it hasn't arrived. Follow the river north, and see if you can spot the boat. Make sure to keep an eye on both sides of the river, in case it has run aground.
  • Alright, and if I find it?
Then bring the fertilizer back here so I can use it on these fine crops here. Oh, make sure to grab a sack from that box bye the building before you go. You need something to carry it in.


  • Okay, see you in a while.
  • I have better things to do than carry fertilizer.

If you choose 'Okay, see you in a while':

  • Pick up garbage bag
  • Find ship and collect fertilizer
  • Return to Professor Hamill


Ah, I see you filled the sack. The smell is kind of a giveaway too.
  • Yes, here it is.
Did you find it in the boat? The man owning it hasn't reported back to Orthos yet. He seems to be missing.
  • I found the boat crashed, but no one was in it.
That's certainly a cause for concern... If you happen to find him somewhere upstream, dead or alive, please let me know. Now, I could really use your help with a more immediate problem.
  • What is it?
Ah, you came just in time. Someone passing by saw a suspicious sensor up by where the road forks. Go there, see if you can find out who put it there.
  • Alright, on my way.

The location is not correct, though you can see the boat from the next location looking to the river


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